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Squad Update

Squad Update

Simon Cullum17 May - 12:01
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This week, seven players have confirmed they will be staying with the club next season, whilst two have announced their departure

Manager Alex Cross has started preparing his squad ahead of the 2024/25 season, with seven players agreeing to return
Last season's manager's and player's player of the year Ryan Sharman, has committed to the club, along with captain Ryan Auger, Luis Cowie, Jordan Gent, Lewis Jackaman and Charlie Sutcliffe.

With the season over, two players have confirmed they will be leaving the Lane
Last season's supporters players of the year Jordan Chipp along with Kai Nicholls, both announced their decision on social media

The club would like to thank both players for their efforts whilst at the club and wish them well for the future.

Further squad updates will be announced ahead of the new season.

Further reading