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Soham Town Rangers Ladies

Soham Town Rangers Ladies

Simon Cullum4 Jun - 15:59
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Soham Town Rangers are excited to announced that the 2024/25 season will include ladies’ football at the Lane for the first time in the club’s history

The club are currently working with Cambridgeshire FA to register the team for the coming season, however getting the many pieces in place have already begun, with the recruitment of Phil Robinson, who has recently vacated the position of ladies manager at Isleham United.

On the news, chairman Michael Firek said “This is an exciting announcement for the club. Bringing ladies’ football to Soham is a great addition and shows the progress and inclusion being made.”

Manager Phil Robinson added “I am excited with the prospect of working with Soham Town Rangers and looking forward to hopefully helping grow the ladies’ game at the club.
We’ve got a fantastic squad that we’re looking to add to this summer and I’m very grateful for the opportunity and can’t wait for to start the season.”

The club look forward to providing more updates on the ladies’ team development in the coming weeks, including opportunities to trial for the squad and support in voluntary roles.

Welcome to Soham and all we wish them well for the season ahead.

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